2016 Fringe Festival Awardwinning show
Saturday Jan 14 at 2pm
Aratoi Museum - Wesley Wing
as part of the NZ Pacific Studio exhibition
"Art is a Living Thing"
Entry by gold coin donation / Koha
I am Tasha Fierce, with Rose Kirkup,
Hilarious yet heartfelt coming-of-age story
of a woman who channels Beyonce.
Theres a rich vein of compassion for Tasha and her fandom,
celebrating the million little things in everyones past
that follow us into the present
- Adam Goddall, Pantograph Punch
"What separates this show from the usual fandom stereotypes
is the serious empathy it has for its protagonist."
- Nathan Joe, Theatre Scenes
http://www.theatrescenes.co.nz/review-i-am-tasha-fierce-th /
2016 Fringe Festival Awardwinning show
Saturday Jan 14 at 2pm
Aratoi Museum - Wesley Wing
as part of the NZ Pacific Studio exhibition
"Art is a Living Thing"
Entry by gold coin donation / Koha
I am Tasha Fierce, with Rose Kirkup,
Hilarious yet heartfelt coming-of-age story
of a woman who channels Beyonce.
Theres a rich vein of compassion for Tasha and her fandom,
celebrating the million little things in everyones past
that follow us into the present
- Adam Goddall, Pantograph Punch
"What separates this show from the usual fandom stereotypes
is the serious empathy it has for its protagonist."
- Nathan Joe, Theatre Scenes
http://www.theatrescenes.co.nz/review-i-am-tasha-fierce-th /
Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2016