Art is a living thing. It breathes. It moves. Sometimes it sings. It needs nourishment. It needs a community. New Zealand Pacific Studio works to provide a space where art – in whatever form – can live, and thrive. Over the past fifteen years, the five-acre facility at Mount Bruce has hosted hundreds of people who create, re-create, edit, dance, write, paint, animate, photograph, choreograph, tell stories, collect stories.... These residents have been welcomed by the Wairarapa/Tararua community and have made significant contributions to the region through concerts, workshops, readings, school visits, presentations, exhibitions, lectures and more. This exhibition presents a medley of their work, as well as historic items from the 1911 homestead that serves as the base of the residency centre, and pieces by Kate Coolahan, John Bevan Ford, and Pippa Sanderson from the NZPS art collection. LIVE performances will also be held during the period.
Submission guidelines:
Word file: submission_art_is_a_living_thing.docx
PDF file: submission_art_is_a_living_thing.pdf
Posted: Fri 16 Sep 2016